Multilingual Leadership Coach and Expert in Developing High-Performing Leadership Teams

Sarah Gillet Couto is the founder and CEO of Gillet Couto Consulting. She was born and raised in France. Sarah moved to the U.S. to pursue studies in International Business. Upon graduation with her undergraduate degree, Sarah moved to Argentina to begin work in the financial services industry. Before the age of 30, Sarah was giving leadership trainings and seminars in Argentina for her networking business. Her connection to South America continues to flourish today.

Sarah returned to the United States where she gained significant experience through the banking industry in New York and then Miami. Her award-winning contribution as the Director of Alternative Investments with American Express Bank is a testament to her leadership influence.

Multilingual Leadership Coach and Expert in Developing High-Performing Leadership Teams

Sarah Gillet Couto is the founder and CEO of Gillet Couto Consulting. She was born and raised in France. Sarah moved to the U.S. to pursue studies in International Business. Upon graduation with her undergraduate degree, Sarah moved to Argentina to begin work in the financial services industry. Before the age of 30, Sarah was giving leadership trainings and seminars in Argentina for her networking business. Her connection to South America continues to flourish today. 

Sarah returned to the United States where she gained significant experience through the banking industry in New York and then Miami. Her award-winning contribution as the Director of Alternative Investments with American Express Bank is a testament to her leadership influence.

Today Sarah leads the efforts of Gillet Couto Consulting as our work expands into more international markets than ever before. Sarah’s passion for people, languages, culture, communication, connection and life serve as the catalyst for our continued growth. It’s the opportunity to help executives find fulfillment in their work that ignites Sarah’s passion for her work.

Sarah’s faith and charity work are central to her life. She serves at Generation Church in Miami. In Colombia, she and her husband sponsor five children through the Christian organization His Children International. In Miami, Sarah and her family support United We All Can, a charity led by Pastor Frank Diaz that serves the homeless community and trains and equips disciples for Christ. Sarah has also served on the board of Asociación Emergencia Ayacucho (AEA), a Peru-based charity, and continues to support local orphanage efforts in Ayacucho, Peru. Her greatest passion is going on mission trips to share the Gospel and transform lives.

Sarah holds a Bachelor of Sciences in International Business, a Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership, and a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) Certification from the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She has nearly 25 years of work experience in international corporate environments and is fluent in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.  Sarah is a Kolbe Certified Consultant & Accredited Kolbe Youth Specialist, as well as a Wiley Authorized Partner for DiSC and the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team.